Monday, December 3, 2012

Tucker's New 'Do!

He went from Shaggy Chic... Puppy Cut Cutie!

The groomer bragged on Tucker and said what a great boy he was to work with.  What a sweetie!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome Home, Tucker

Tucker, formerly known as "Baxter" was surrender by his owners who were moving somewhere that didn't allow pets.  Having had him since a puppy, a shelter (luckily no-kill) was no place for this little sweetie!  Having more love in our hearts, and room in our home, we took in little Tucker!  He is 4 pounds of adorable and the happiest creature on Earth.  He has fit in incredibly with our other pets, and has made very few mistakes his first two weeks.  Here is Tucker's listing and description online, and a chronicle of life in our house so far!  I hope to update this blog with cute stories, videos and pictures of our newest rescue!  As a huge proponent of adopting and not buying from a breeder, this is proof that you can find a GREAT pure-bred dog from a rescue. (If that's your thing)  Please don't shop, adopt!

Online Listing
Yay!  Leaving the shelter and cruising on my new Dad's lap!
Wow!  A new home, a bed and a squeaky duck today!